Board on a fishing boat with us!


On Friday morning, under a light rain and with a few gusts of wind, we went to the fishing harbour of La Turballe in the region Loire Atlantique.



There are about ten boats in the dock preparing for their next trip out to the sea. The few fishermen we see are hurrying to load up on food, as they usually leave for one or two weeks of fishing.

We then head for the SAMANA, a fishing boat also in full preparation. They just got back from an intense week, but they already have to go back to the open sea after the weekend. The crew is almost complete, we put on our AQUAVITEXoilskins before going down because the weather is capricious this morning.


To get on the bridge, you have to use a small rusty ladder that is obviously not really new. Once the switch between the ladder and the bridge is made, Jérôme, who’ has been a professional fisherman for almost 30 years, welcomes us and guides us.

Before arriving on the deck, which is intended for fishing, you have to pass through the trawler’s command post. As soon as we get off, we are seized by a strong and characteristic smell. You must have a strong stomach so that you do not feel sick. With the engine noise just below, you have to speak loudly to be heard.


Before Jerome took over the repair of the net with his mend needle, we asked him some questions.

Aquavitex: What do you mainly fish for?

Jérôme : At the moment, we fish mainly for Tuna, Hake, Mackerel, Anchovy and also Sardines.

Aquavitex: What are the preparations before departure?

Jérôme: First of all there are usually two colleagues who go shopping so that we have enough food for one or two weeks. The next step is to clean the tanks used to store the fish, check the engine and repair the net. But most importantly, you must be well equipped.

Aquavitex: You and your colleagues at SAMANA have been using our products for a year now. What do you think about them?

Jérôme: I’m very happy with it, it’s very strong, very flexible, and more completed.

Aquavitex: What do you think of our latest waterproof fleece jacket?

Jérôme: It’s very practical, some of us have it, I use it every day at sea and on land.

Yvan, a colleague at the SAMANA: Your fleece is ideal for hake fishing!

We thank the SAMANA crew and leave them to their preparations.

You can also see our report video:

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